Dar during the inauguration of AGRITEX.
(Right) NIABI awardees pose with the dignitaries.
Photo: PS Kumar, ICRISAT
The NIABI National Awards for 2013 were presented during the inaugural of AGRITEX 2013 on 25 April by Mr Kanna Laxminarayana, Minister for Agriculture and Agriculture Technology Mission, Government of Andhra Pradesh. The awards were instituted to recognize Business Planning & Development (BPD) Units of NIABI for their excellent performance and incubatees for their dedication in setting up successful agribusiness ventures.
The guests of honor at the event were Dr PS Pandey, National Coordinator, NAIP and Ms Joanna Kane-Potaka, Director, Strategic Marketing and Communication, ICRISAT, representing Dr Dar, Director General of ICRISAT.
The National Award for the Best Agribusiness Incubatee 2013 went to Kemrock Agritech Private Limited, an incubatee of the business incubator at Anand Agricultural University (AAU), Anand. The company played a major role in commercializing Anubhav liquid biofertilizer under the name Tapak Bund.
The National Award for the Best Agribusiness Incubator 2013 was awarded to the agribusiness incubator of the Central Institute of Fisheries Technology (CIFT), Cochin.