Key Stakeholders
National Science & Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board (NSTEDB) of the Department of Science & Technology (DST) is designed as an institutional mechanism to promote knowledge driven and technology intensive enterprises. They have given the initial financial support to establish ABI- ICRISAT.
Technology Development Board (TDB) of DST, promotes the development and commercialization of indigenous technologies by providing financial assistance through Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) initiatives. TDB has provided seed grant fund for supporting the ABI-ICRISAT start- ups.
Technopreneur Promotion Program (TePP) is an initiative of Department of Scientific & Industrial Research (DSIR), focusing on lending financial support to individual innovators / firms for converting their novel ideas into working prototypes / models. ABI-ICRISAT is a TePP outreach center (TUC) facilitating innovators of Andhra Pradesh to commercialize their innovative technologies in agri-business.
The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) under the Department of Agricultural Research and Educatio (DARE), operates the National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) funded by World Bank to provide technological support to farmers through development of new strategies, technologies and innovative solutions. NAIP under Component-I, has entrusted ABI-ICRISAT, with the responsibility of handholding and mentoring of 10 Business
Planning and Development units or Incubators of the ICAR and SAUs.
ABI ICRISAT is a key partner in the Universities, Business and Research in Agricultural INnovation (UniBRAIN) project of the Forum for Agricultural Research (FARA) in Africa. The UniBRAIN initiative supports the establishment of the agribusiness incubators in Zambia, Kenya, Ghana, Mali & Uganda to commercialise agricultural technologies and produce graduates with entrepreneurial and business skills. MoFPI – FPBIC ABI-ICRISAT is the Implementing Agency for the Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI) project, for setting up five Food Processing Business Incubation Centres (FPBIC’s) in; Uganda, Cameroon, Ghana, Mali and Angola. This project is being implemented under the India Africa Forum Summit – II, of the Government of India.
The Association of Lady Entrepreneurs of Andhra Pradesh (ALEAP) was established with an aim to bring together women entrepreneurs trying to help each other and work in collaboration for welfare maximization. ABI-ICRISAT collaborates with ALEAP to promote agribusiness entrepreneurship by providing agribusiness incubation support, facilitate technology transfer, facilitation in incubation process and training and support to entrepreneurs and innovators.
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises-Development Organisation (MSME-DO) provides a wide spectrum of services to the small industries sector through MSME scheme, nurturing innovative business ideas (new/ingenious technology, process, products, procedures etc) which could be commercialized in a year, through onsite incubation at Research Institutes and State Agricultural Universities.
ABI-ICRISAT is the Implementing Agency for the Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI) project, for setting up five Food Processing Business Incubation Centres (FPBIC’s) in; Uganda, Cameroon, Ghana, Mali and Angola. This project is being implemented under the India Africa Forum Summit – II, of the Government of India.
Small Farmers’ Agribusiness Consortium (SFAC), a specialized agency of the Ministry of Agriculture promotes Agri-Business by encouraging institutional and private sector investments and linkages to ensure the empowerment of all farmers in the country.
It aims to link small farmers to technology as well as to the markets in association with private, corporate or cooperative sector and if necessary, by providing backward and forward linkages.
Commercial Agriculture Alliance (CAA), having its head office in Biratnagar, Morang, Nepal is a not-for-profit-sharing responsible for implementation of Component 1 “Commercial Agriculture Investment and Management” which is one of five output of CADP Project. It envisions reducing poverty in the rural communities of 11 EDR districts through equitable and sustainable commercialization of agriculture.