Business Incubation Services
Business Incubation Services
ABI-ICRISAT facilitates seed companies in the emerging area of agri biotech, in developing transformation protocol for commercial crops, marker development for traits of interest and tissue culture for medicinal, horticultural, and tree crops.
FPOs collectivize farmers, especially small producers at various levels across several states to foster technology penetration, improve productivity, enable improved access to inputs and services, and increase farmer incomes, thereby strengthening their sustainable agriculture based livelihoods. ABI-ICRISAT provides FPO with extensive knowledge and information, as well as networking support in setting-up and promoting FPOs.
ABI-ICRISAT promotes innovative ventures in agri-business which are proprietary products or novel service and have good market potential.
Seed Business Incubation (SBI) is an initiative to develop and promote rural seed business ventures at village level in order to bridge the demand and supply gap of open pollinated quality seeds through public, private and people partnership.
Agribusiness ventures across the world are looking at new markets to achieve growth and develop their business. Soft Landing helps international entrepreneurs get a good start in a new market, accelerate their growth, and take some risk and hassle out of the expansion process.